Joe Alexander


For two decades, I wrote and oversaw work for The JFK Presidential Library.

For many years, we did award-winning magazine campaigns. In 2009, we switched gears, creating interactive experiences that brought to life JFK’s legacy using social media, technology and film.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. But whole generations never knew just how close we came. That was our motivation for creating an experience that not only brought the 13 days to life, but also explored the consequences of Armageddon and JFK’s heroic role in preventing it.

Role: ECD


It was the 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. We wanted to do something that had never been done before: recreate the entire mission – exactly 40 years later. From day one, it was really a flight into the wild blue yonder. But with a lot of luck, we pulled it off and millions came along for the ride.

Role: ECD


Everyone knows about how JFK died, but very few know he’s still alive. For example, thousands of schools and roads around the world are named after him. By contrast, only two schools are named after Nixon. Our goal was to celebrate JFK’s legacy and do it in the way he would have appreciated: with art, music and craft.

Role: CCO



Print campaign celebrating a special exhibit honoring the First Lady.

Role: Copywriter


A print series highlighting the little brother’s big role in history.

Role: Copywriter